Welcome to GK Antique Collection

Welcome to antique world!
Antique Stock Photos
British English War Photograph
American Artwork
European Arts
Japanese Arts
European Arts
European Arts
European Arts
European Arts
Antique Artworks Hard Copy
British European Scluptures Artwork
Japanese Historical Block Artworks Paintin
British European Artworks
Japanese Historical Block Artworks Painting
British European Artworks
Japanese Historical Block Artworks Painting
British European Sclupture Artworks
Japanese Historical Block Artworks Painting
Antique Coins
One Dollar Coin, 1901, Britain.
One Dollar Coin, 1972, (LIBERTY) United States of America-USA
George VI Three Pence Coin 1944, Australia
Islamic Gold Mohor
GEORGE V One Rupee, 1919 British India
GEORGE V Marry, 12 December, 1911.
One Dollar Coin, 1896, (LIBERTY) United States of America-USA
Islamic Gold Mohor, 1500-1700.
Antique Stamps and Revenue
5 Penny British Postage Stamp 1971
10 Penny British Postage Stamp 1971.
One Rupee Court Fee 1939.
One Anna Stamp, India Postage Service 1940
4 Annas Stump, India Postage Service 1943.
4 Annas Stamp,  India Postage Service 1944
8 Annas Court Fee, 1939.
1 Anna India Postage & Revenue, 1922.
Antique Luxury Items
Lady Head Sculpture, 1750.
The National Flag of UAE on Real Thin-Tailed Sheepskin
The National Flag of Qatar  on Real Thin-Tailed Sheepskin
he Netherlands Flag on real thin-tailed Sheepskin.
Flag of Sweden on Real Thin-Tailed Sheepskin
The National Flag of Kuwait on Real Thin-Tailed Sheepskin
National Flag of Germany on Real Thin-Tailed Sheepskin
National Flag of Denmark on Real Thin-Tailed Sheepskin